In the latest YouTube news & updates, the Google-owned video-sharing platform has rolled out multiple updates to help creators create more effective content.

  1. Expansion of Search Insights to More Languages

It has expanded the search insights to more languages apart from English, which was available for viewers in the US, India, Canada, and the UK. YouTube is now planning to include more languages such as Japanese, Korean, and Hindi.

  1. Introduced a New Channel Layout.

YouTube also updated the new channel layout to make information easier to access. It has also separated the videos into two tabs: long-form videos and YouTube shorts.

  1. Watch YouTube Shorts on TV!

The company announced in its blog post that YouTube shorts are now available in TV-optimized formats, including on Android TV and Google TV. This new update will give YouTube an upper hand over its competitors, as most TVs come with the YouTube application pre-installed. To view Shorts, users just have to open the app and look for a carousel on the homepage or watch them directly from a creator’s channel.

For more YouTube news & updates and other digital marketing updates, you can visit Floodlightz Media Solutions, a leading digital marketing agency in Delhi-NCR.

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