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An entertaining and interactive anchor/emcee full of enthusiasm has the ability to engage the audience and become a medium to connect them with the host and give them a ball of time. Floodlightz Media Solutions is one of the leading manpower management companies in Delhi, India that can offer world-class male and female anchors for corporate events, digital events, wedding events, and inauguration ceremonies. Party, Sagan, seminars, concerts, personal events, and other activities. Our anchors can communicate in both Hindi and English according to our clients’ requirements.

You can book professional anchors/emcees, artists and stay-entertainers for fashion shows, dance troupes, live bands, musicians, singers, and more at an affordable price.

Along with physical events, we also provide anchors/emcees services in Delhi, India for digital events, digital concerts, and digital fests. They can entertain your online audience and make an impactful connection with them. So, connect to FMS for top-notch anchors/ emcees services in Delhi, India.

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    Address : Roshanara Road, Near Pulbangash Metro Station, Delhi – 110007

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    Phone No : +91-9354045284

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